Have you ever seen those little helicopters and planes flying over you and children (and not so young) controlling them? Now you can practice too.
ClearView RC Flight simulator allows you to pilot several real RC Models in your computer in several flying sites.
This game provides a realistic sensation, with real physics. It includes several real models (from light weight electric 'Shockflier', to 100 size 4 stroke aerobatic Pitts Special to turbine driven F15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon) and you can download more RC models from the website and play them in your game.
In addition, you'll be able to save a video of your flight and share it. For novice RC users is a good way of practicing before flying their RC model.
And something special, you can play with your usual gamepad (not with the keyboard), but Advanced RC fliers can use their own radio transmitter with USB adapter for playing this great game.
very good